Ardupilot源码分析(五)惯性导航(Inertial Nav)与姿态航向 ...
上一节我们简单分析了惯性传感器(AP_InertialSensor ins)的驱动程序,主要就其初始化和前后端数据采集与处理进行了说明。惯性传感器输出的原始数据为之后的惯性导航INertial Nav和姿态航向参考系统AHRS提供输入。惯性导航
Inertial Nav功能比较简单,只是对AHRS的输出做一个转换,AHRS作为Inertial Nav的一个参数在其构造函数中传入。Inertial Nav原型如下。
/*A wrapper around the AP_InertialNav class which uses the NavEKF
filter if available, and falls back to the AP_InertialNav filter
when EKF is not available*/
#pragma once
#include <AP_NavEKF/AP_Nav_Common.h> // definitions shared by inertial and ekf nav filters
class AP_InertialNav_NavEKF : public AP_InertialNav
// Constructor
AP_InertialNav_NavEKF(AP_AHRS_NavEKF &ahrs) ://传入AHRS
void update() override;
nav_filter_status get_filter_status() const override;
* get_position - returns the current position relative to the home location in cm.
* the home location was set with AP_InertialNav::set_home_position(int32_t, int32_t)
const Vector3f& get_position() const override;
* get_velocity - returns the current velocity in cm/s
* @return velocity vector:
* .x : latitudevelocity in cm/s
* .y : longitude velocity in cm/s
* .z : verticalvelocity in cm/s
const Vector3f& get_velocity() const override;
* get_speed_xy - returns the current horizontal speed in cm/s
* @returns the current horizontal speed in cm/s
float get_speed_xy() const override;
* get_altitude - get latest altitude estimate in cm
* @return
float get_altitude() const override;
* get_velocity_z - returns the current climbrate.
* @see get_velocity().z
* @return climbrate in cm/s
float get_velocity_z() const override;
Vector3f _relpos_cm; // NEU
Vector3f _velocity_cm; // NEU
AP_AHRS_NavEKF &_ahrs_ekf;