maoyonglai 发表于 2023-10-21 08:36:36

【4K】穿越机大片合集|无logo纯享版-Ellis van Jason这些视频都是搬运的YouTube上的,原作者:Ellis van Jason视频都非常棒,画面也都很美,非常喜欢,分享给大家看到之前转发的视频,大家都非常喜欢,非常喜欢这位作者,于是整理了他的好的穿越机视频,分享出来这些视频我看到B站有人已经搬运过了,我就凑一起发出来吧,大家想看的就看,实在不行我就当仓库,留着自己看吧,哈哈后面我会继续搜寻关于穿越机和无人机的视频,因为我真的很喜欢^.^

荒野冷风 发表于 2023-10-21 08:42:46

Was this video shot on a Red or GoPro9? :) I hope with this video I can convince you that this little camera together with the right conditions can produce high quality footage which also looks nice on a bigger screen. After my trip to Venezuela I visited the Dolomites with my friend Julian and besides the challenging weather we got some nice and cinematic conditions. I wanted to show the Dolomites from a new perspective and hope you enjoy it! If you have recommendations for other unique locations, I would love to hear your ideas.

这段视频是在red还是 Gopro9 上拍摄的?:)我希望通过这个视频,我可以说服你,这个小相机与正确的条件可以产生高品质的镜头,这也看起来不错,在更大的屏幕上。在委内瑞拉旅行后,我和我的朋友朱利安一起参观了多洛米蒂一家,除了充满挑战的天气,我们还有一些不错的电影条件。我想从一个新的角度展示多洛米蒂一家, 希望你喜欢它!如果您有其他独特地点的建议,我很乐意听听您的想法。

shuanger88 发表于 2023-10-21 08:47:15


andycao1860 发表于 2023-10-21 08:59:47

This summer I challenged myself by diving the most dangerous mountain in the world with a 5'' FPV drone. A 1.7km vertical and 3.5 km horizontal climb in under 5 minutes was something I coudn't imagine when I started with this hobby. After a lot of planning and some good mental support I was able to experience Switzerland's most scenic from a completely different angle.


NEONNY 发表于 2023-10-21 09:14:08


x60528 发表于 2023-10-21 09:26:52


pmx1225 发表于 2023-10-21 09:34:46

2 Years ago I visited Faroe Islands with a friend. I was so impressed about the nature and massive cliffs. After starting with FPV my absolute goal was to go back and dive these cliffs. So I went back with 2 friends to shot a creative video for the tourism board. I knew that it will be a challenge due to strong wind & unpredictable weather. It was definitely not easy but so worthit. Enjoy!

2年前,我和一个朋友参观了法罗群岛。大自然和巨大的悬崖给我留下了深刻的印象。从 Fpv 开始后, 我的绝对目标是回去潜水这些悬崖。于是我和两个朋友回去为旅游局拍摄了一段创意视频。我知道这将是一个挑战,由于强风和不可预知的天气。这绝对不容易, 但如此值得。

sky.m 发表于 2023-10-21 09:48:04

I got the opportunity to visit Madeira with two great guys - Kay & Eduardo. No sunrise or sunset was skipped and we collected 3TB of data during the 7 days. For once I was lucky and I brought all my drones safe back home. Thanks to my friends who pushed me hard at every location I was able to get some crazy FPV shots on an island which most people oversee. Madeira is such a unique place with probable one of the best spots to get some nice low clouds shots.

我有机会和两个伟大的人 — — 凯和爱德华多 — — 一起拜访马德拉。没有跳过日出或日落,我们在 7 天内收集了 3TB 的数据。这一次,我很幸运,我把我所有的无人机安全带回家。多亏了我的朋友, 他们在每一个地方都狠狠地推我, 我能够在大多数人监督的岛上拍一些疯狂的 Fpv 照片。马德拉是这样一个独特的地方, 可能最好的地方之一, 以获得一些漂亮的低云拍摄。

tpzmj 发表于 2023-10-21 10:00:49


bellyoungsmile 发表于 2023-10-21 10:14:38

I just returned from a 2 week expedition through the jungles of Venezuela to FPV the world's tallest waterfall, Angel falls (979m / 3121 ft). I had this beautiful country on my bucket list for many years. My friends and I explored the jungle for days by boat, foot, helicopter and drone to show you something unique. Now fasten your seatbelts & enjoy the ride down the world's highest waterfall.


mengli1007 发表于 2023-10-21 10:25:26

A year ago I asked myself what kind of pilot do I want to be. Race drone pilot or Freestyle Pilot? Neither of the two was an option and it took me some time to find my place. I ended up in the cinematic mid-long range area and I kind of like it out here.

一年前,我问自己,我想成为什么样的飞行员。比赛无人机飞行员还是自由式飞行员?两者都不是一个选择, 我花了一些时间才找到我的位置。我最终在电影中长距离地区, 我有点喜欢它在这里。
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