奇瑞三体复合翼飞行汽车 原型机成功试飞
2024年10月18日,在2024奇瑞全球创新大会上,奇瑞展示了一款三体式复合翼飞行汽车,该汽车已成功试飞。这款飞行汽车是原型机,目前正在研发中。On October 18, 2024, at the Chery Global Innovation Conference 2024, Chery showcased a three body compound wing flying car, which has successfully undergone test flights. This flying car is a prototype and is currently under development.
The car adopts a three body composite wing design, consisting of an aircraft, an intelligent cockpit, and an intelligent chassis. The three bodies adopt ultra compact docking technology, which can vertically take off and land, and autonomously combine and separate. It eliminates traditional operating devices such as steering wheel and throttle, supports unmanned driving in both flight and driving modes, and can switch between land and air unmanned driving modes. Its flight altitude is below 1000m, the maximum flight speed can reach 120km/h, and the flight time is about 40 minutes. It is mainly used for short distance commuting in urban areas. The text and images are sourced from the internet, and the content is for learning reference only, with no commercial use.(文编译/飞行汽车 feiauto)