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发表于 2022-11-19 12:08:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Precautions for use of UAV battery





Lithium-ion battery is used as the power of electric UAV.at present. How to use it correctly is the key to ensure safety of  battery and UAV.

Let's introduce the relevant information about the UAV battery as follows:


(Basic structure of lithium battery for UAV)

① 正极片:活性物质一般为钴酸锂、镍钴锰酸锂材料;

② 负极片:活性物质为石墨,或近似石墨结构的碳;

③ 正极极耳:使用铝(Al)材料,由CPP胶和金属带两部分复合而成;

④ 负极极耳:使用镍(Ni)材料,或者铜镀镍(Ni-Cu)材料(导电性好),由CPP胶和金属带两部分复合而成;

⑤ 电解液:溶解有六氟磷酸锂的碳酸酯类溶剂,聚合物的则使用凝胶状电解液;

⑥ 隔离膜:一种经特殊成型的高分子薄膜,薄膜有微孔结构,可以让锂离子自由通过,而电子不能通过,一般材料的厚度是12-20um。

① Cathode : The active materials are generally lithium cobalt oxide or lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide.

② Anode: The active material is graphite or carbon with graphite structure.

③ Cathode tap : It is composed of CPP plastic and metal belt which is made of aluminum (AL) .

④ Anode tap : It is composed of CPP glue and metal belt which is made of nickel (Ni) or nickel coated with copper (Ni Cu)  (good conductivity) .

⑤Electrolyte: It is made of carbonate solvent containing LiPF6. And gel electrolyte is used in polymer battery.

⑥Separator: It is a specially formed polymer membrane with microporous structure, which allows lithium ion to pass freely except electrons. The thickness of the general material is 12-20um.



Inner Structure of Lithium battery


(Voltage of UAV lithium battery)


      消费级无人机用锂电中,单片电芯电压3.8 V是额定电压,是从平均工作电压获得的。单片锂电芯的实际电压为2.75~4.375 V,锂电池上标识的电容量是从4.35 V放电至2 .75 V所获得的电量。锂电池必须保持在2.75~4.35V这个电压范围内使用。如果单电芯电压低于2.5V则属于过度放电,电池内部会形成锂枝晶,这些结晶会刺穿电芯内部结构层组织而造成短路,最后可能出现充电掉压快,或者胀气的情况。

    There are high-voltage battery (rated voltage3.8V, top-limited voltage 4.375V ) and conventional voltage battery (rated voltage 3.7V, top-limited voltage 4.25V). The following is an example of high-voltage battery:

     About the lithium-ion battery for consumer UAV, the rated voltage of single cell is 3.8V, which is obtained from the average working voltage. The actual voltage of a single cell is 2.75 ~ 4.375 V. The capacity marked on the battery is base on the its discharging from 4.35 V to 2.75 V. The battery must be kept within the voltage range of 2.75 ~ 4.35V. If the voltage of a single cell is lower than 2.75V, it means over-discharge. The battery will swell and the internal chemical liquid will crystallize. These crystallization may pierce the internal structure layer and cause a short circuit, or even make the lithium battery voltage become zero.



(UAV battery cannot be over discharged)

     电池的放电曲线表明,满电状态下电池刚开始放电时,电压下降比较快,但放电到4.0~3.5V之间时,电压下降趋势较平稳。而当电压降至3.4V以后,电压下降趋势就会明显加快,在使用时若控制不好就有可能导致过放,轻则损伤电池,重则电压太低造成炸机。另外不要每次把电池使用到容量极限。要充分利用飞行器APP 的提示功能,返航报警提示时应尽快返航降落。

    The discharge curve of the battery shows that the voltage drops relatively fast at the beginning of discharge, but the voltage drops not that fast when the discharge reaches 3.9 ~ 3.7V.Once the voltage drops to 3.7V, the speed of voltage drop will be accelerated. If it is not controlled well, over discharge will be caused. When voltage is too low, the battery will be damaged or exploded . In addition, do not use the battery beyond the capacity limit. Make full use of APP  warning and return to land as soon as possible when the return alarm is on.



(UAV battery cannot be overcharged)


   The battery needs to be charged with a special matching charger. Some chargers have bad power-off function after being fully charged, which may damage the built-in protection circuit function of the battery. As a result, the single cell is not stopped charging when it is fully charged to 4.35V. When the battery is overcharged, it may affect the battery life and even burn directly.In addition, it is necessary to use a matching original charger for charging. During charging, someone needs to take care of it. It is forbidden to use a charger that exceeds the charging current.



Modified non-original charger



original charger


(Do not store fully-charged battery)

      充满电的电池,不能满电储存超过7天。如果超过一个星期不放电,且在环境温度较高的情况下储存,电池容易出现鼓包,有些电池可能暂时不会鼓,但几次满电保存后,电池会直接报废。因此,正确的储存方式是,电池使用后如在7天内没有继续使用,请将单片电压调整至3.80~3.96V保存,对应于飞行器APP 电量显示50-70%范围,在需要使用时再提前充电。

    A fully-charged battery can not be stored for more than 7 days. If this battery does not discharge for more than a week and is stored in a high ambient temperature, it can swell. Some batteries may not swell temporarily, but after several times of full-charge storage, the battery will be directly useless.The correct storage method is to recharge battery before fly UAV. If the battery is not used within 7 days, please charge the single cell to 3.80 ~ 3.96 V for storage, which corresponds to the range of 50-70% of the power display of the Zino aircraft App.


(Battery long term storage)


    If the battery is not used within three months, charge the battery to 3.80 ~ 3.96v for storage after charging and discharging one time, so as to extend the working life of the battery. The battery should be stored in a cool and dry environment. When the battery is stored for a long time, it is better to put it in a sealed bag or a sealed explosion-proof box. The recommended ambient temperature is 10-25 ℃ and it is dry and free of corrosive gas.


(Dropped or impacted battery)


   Lithium-ion batteries are made of soft packaging materials. They need to be handled carefully when we use them. The batteries can not fall to the ground or be impacted. The battery deformation may cause the internal short-circuit to accelerate the power consumption and may cause fire in serious cases.



(Avoid contact with sharp objects)


   Pay attention to avoid contact with sharp objects when we use battery. If the battery package is damaged, the internal electrolyte will be separated out, resulting in defect, which may cause fire in serious cases!



Use sharp object to pierce battery



Battery is burning


After battery burning
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