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   Summary: Breakthroughs in flying car technology, leading trends in electric and autonomous driving, diverse product designs, and active participation of enterprises. Policy support and market demand jointly promote industrial development, with broad prospects, and are expected to become an important force in solving traffic congestion and innovating travel modes.




1. 传统燃油向电动的转变:早期飞行汽车的动力探索多以燃油发动机为主导,然而燃油发动机存在重量大、能量转换效率欠佳、维护成本高等弊端。近年来,电池技术持续进步,电动飞行汽车顺势成为主流发展趋向。以亿航智能研制的飞行汽车为例,其采用纯电动力,既绿色环保,又能降低运行成本。电动动力系统响应迅速、噪音低微,更契合城市环境的使用需求。

2. 新型电池技术的应用:为攻克飞行汽车的续航难题,科研人员不断钻研新型电池技术,如固态电池、锂硫电池等。这些新型电池具备更高的能量密度,在相同体积与重量下可储存更多电能,进而提升飞行汽车的续航里程。


1. 自动驾驶技术的成熟:自动驾驶技术乃是飞行汽车实现安全飞行的核心要素。当下,飞行汽车装配了先进的传感器、雷达、摄像头等设备,能够实时感知周边环境,获取飞行所需的各类信息。同时,凭借强大的计算机算法与人工智能技术,飞行汽车可实现自主导航、路径规划、避障等功能,极大提高了飞行的安全性与可靠性。例如小鹏汇天的飞行汽车,采用自主研发的自动驾驶和自主导航技术,能在复杂的城市环境中安全飞行。

2. 飞行稳定性的提升:为确保飞行汽车在飞行过程中的稳定性,工程师们引入了先进的飞控系统和空气动力学设计。通过优化机身结构、机翼形状、螺旋桨布局等,降低飞行汽车的空气阻力,提高飞行的稳定性与操控性。此外,部分飞行汽车还配备了多轴、多电机设计,即便部分电机出现故障,也能保障飞行汽车安全降落。

一、 Technological breakthroughs and developments

(1) Power system

1. The transition from traditional fuel to electric: In the early days, the power exploration of flying cars was mainly dominated by fuel engines, but fuel engines had drawbacks such as high weight, poor energy conversion efficiency, and high maintenance costs. In recent years, battery technology has continued to advance, and electric flying cars have become the mainstream development trend. Taking the flying car developed by Yihang Intelligent as an example, it adopts pure electric power, which is both environmentally friendly and can reduce operating costs. The electric power system responds quickly and has low noise, which is more in line with the usage needs of urban environments.

2. Application of new battery technology: In order to overcome the endurance problem of flying cars, researchers continue to research new battery technologies, such as solid-state batteries, lithium sulfur batteries, etc. These new batteries have higher energy density and can store more electricity in the same volume and weight, thereby increasing the range of flying cars.

(2) Flight Control Technology

1. Maturity of autonomous driving technology: Autonomous driving technology is the core element for flying cars to achieve safe flight. Currently, flying cars are equipped with advanced sensors, radars, cameras, and other devices that can perceive the surrounding environment in real time and obtain various information required for flight. Meanwhile, with powerful computer algorithms and artificial intelligence technology, flying cars can achieve autonomous navigation, path planning, obstacle avoidance, and other functions, greatly improving the safety and reliability of flight. For example, Xiaopeng Huitian's flying car adopts independently developed autonomous driving and navigation technology, which can safely fly in complex urban environments.

2. Improvement of flight stability: To ensure the stability of flying vehicles during flight, engineers have introduced advanced flight control systems and aerodynamic designs. By optimizing the fuselage structure, wing shape, propeller layout, etc., the air resistance of flying cars can be reduced, and the stability and maneuverability of flight can be improved. In addition, some flying cars are also equipped with multi axle and multi motor designs, which can ensure the safe landing of flying cars even if some motors fail.




1. 构型的演变:飞行汽车的设计构型历经了从简单拼接式向一体化的转变。早期飞行汽车设计较为简易,仅是将飞机机翼与汽车车身进行拼接,此种设计不仅外观欠佳,且在飞行与行驶的转换过程中存在诸多不便。如今,飞行汽车的设计更注重一体化与智能化,能够实现飞行和行驶模式的无缝切换。例如,奇瑞的三体式复合翼飞行汽车,采用三体对接机构,飞行体、座舱体和智能底盘可根据需求自主结合与分离,既能在地面行驶,又能在空中飞行。

2. 多座位、多功能的发展:最初的飞行汽车大多仅能搭载一至两名乘客,功能较为单一。随着技术的不断进步,现今的飞行汽车已能搭载多名乘客,并具备多种功能。例如,一些飞行汽车不仅可用于城市通勤,还能在物流配送、应急救援、旅游观光等领域大显身手,应用场景更为广泛。


1. 传统车企的转型:众多传统汽车制造商洞察到飞行汽车的市场潜力,纷纷投身于飞行汽车的研发与生产。例如,丰田、大众、现代等车企积极布局飞行汽车领域,投入大量资金与人力进行技术研发。这些传统车企在汽车制造领域积累了丰富的经验与技术,能为飞行汽车的发展提供有力支撑。

2. 科技公司的创新推动:除传统车企外,一些科技公司也成为飞行汽车领域的重要参与者。这些科技公司在人工智能、自动驾驶、电池技术等方面拥有领先的技术优势,可为飞行汽车的发展提供创新解决方案。例如,美国的特斯拉公司、中国的亿航智能等科技公司,在飞行汽车的技术研发与产品创新方面取得了显著成果。

二、 Product development and innovation

(1) Diversified designs

1. Evolution of configuration: The design configuration of flying cars has undergone a transformation from simple splicing to integration. The early design of flying cars was relatively simple, simply splicing the airplane wings with the car body. This design not only had poor appearance, but also caused many inconveniences during the transition between flight and driving. Nowadays, the design of flying cars places more emphasis on integration and intelligence, enabling seamless switching between flight and driving modes. For example, Chery's three body composite wing flying car adopts a three body docking mechanism, and the flying body, cabin body, and intelligent chassis can be autonomously combined and separated according to needs, which can both travel on the ground and fly in the air.

2. Development of multi seat and multi-functional: Initially, most flying cars could only carry one to two passengers and had relatively limited functions. With the continuous advancement of technology, today's flying cars can carry multiple passengers and have multiple functions. For example, some flying cars can not only be used for urban commuting, but also demonstrate their skills in logistics distribution, emergency rescue, tourism and sightseeing, with a wider range of application scenarios.

(2) Active participation of enterprises

1. Transformation of traditional car companies: Many traditional car manufacturers have recognized the market potential of flying cars and have devoted themselves to the research and production of flying cars. For example, car companies such as Toyota, Volkswagen, and Hyundai are actively expanding into the field of flying cars, investing a large amount of funds and manpower in technology research and development. These traditional car companies have accumulated rich experience and technology in the field of automobile manufacturing, which can provide strong support for the development of flying cars.

2. Innovation driven by technology companies: In addition to traditional car companies, some technology companies have also become important participants in the field of flying cars. These technology companies have leading technological advantages in artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, battery technology, etc., which can provide innovative solutions for the development of flying cars. For example, technology companies such as Tesla in the United States and Yihang Intelligence in China have achieved significant results in the research and product innovation of flying cars.



(一)国家层面的鼓励:许多国家将飞行汽车视作未来交通的重要发展方向,出台了一系列政策支持飞行汽车的研发与应用。例如,中国在《交通领域科技创新中长期发展规划纲要(2021 - 2035 年)》中明确部署飞行汽车研发,突破飞行器与汽车融合、飞行与地面行驶自由切换等技术,以抢占前沿装备先机。这些政策的颁布,为飞行汽车的发展营造了良好的政策环境与发展机遇。


三、 Policy support and guidance

(1) Encouragement at the national level: Many countries consider flying cars as an important direction for future transportation development and have introduced a series of policies to support the research and application of flying cars. For example, China has clearly deployed the research and development of flying cars in the "Outline of the Medium - and Long Term Development Plan for Technological Innovation in the Transportation Sector (2021-2035)", breaking through technologies such as the integration of aircraft and cars, and the free switching between flight and ground travel, in order to seize the opportunity of cutting-edge equipment. The promulgation of these policies has created a favorable policy environment and development opportunities for the development of flying cars.

(2) Support from local governments: Local governments also vigorously promote the development of the flying car industry, attracting flying car companies to land through the construction of low altitude flight test zones, providing financial support, optimizing industrial layout, and other means. For example, Zigong, Sichuan has built a general airport to provide site support for the test flight and operation of flying cars; Shenzhen, Shanghai and other places have also introduced relevant policies to encourage enterprises to carry out research and application of flying cars locally.




(二)新兴商业模式的推动:飞行汽车的出现不仅改变了人们的出行方式,还催生了一系列新兴商业模式。例如,飞行汽车可用于空中出租车服务、物流配送、旅游观光等,为企业带来新的盈利增长点。据摩根士丹利预测,到 2050 年,飞行汽车的全球市场规模将达 9 万亿美元。

四、 Market demand and prospects

(1) Solution to traffic congestion: With the acceleration of urbanization, the problem of traffic congestion has become increasingly severe, and people's demand for efficient and convenient modes of transportation has become more urgent. Flying cars can fly in the air, avoid ground traffic congestion, greatly shorten travel time, and therefore have broad market prospects.

(2) The promotion of emerging business models: The emergence of flying cars has not only changed people's way of transportation, but also spawned a series of emerging business models. For example, flying cars can be used for air taxi services, logistics distribution, tourism and sightseeing, bringing new profit growth points to enterprises. According to Morgan Stanley's forecast, the global market size of flying cars will reach $9 trillion by 2050.





    In summary, flying cars have made significant progress in various aspects such as technological breakthroughs, product development, policy support, and market demand. With the continuous maturity of battery technology and autonomous driving technology, the endurance, safety, and reliability of flying cars have been greatly improved. Meanwhile, diversified designs and active participation of enterprises have injected new vitality into the development of flying cars. Under the guidance and support of policies, the flying car industry has ushered in good development opportunities. In the future, with the acceleration of urbanization and the promotion of emerging business models, flying cars are expected to become an important force in solving traffic congestion problems and changing people's modes of transportation. Their market prospects are broad and worth looking forward to.

(文编译/飞行汽车 feiauto)




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