进入下面网页,点击“Clone in Desktop”按钮,GitHub/diydrones/ardupilot web page and click the “Clone in Desktop” button
4、按照下面的链接下载安装PX4 toolchain
Download and install the PX4 toolchain by running the px4_toolchain_installer_v14_win.exe
Open the PX4Console and navigate to the target vehicle directory
Start the PX4Console which can be found under Start | All Programs | PX4 Toolchain on Windows 7 machine or you can directly runC:\px4\toolchain\msys\1.0\px4_console.bat
Navigate to the vehicle-specific ArduPilot directory in the PX4Console. For example, to build Copter, navigate to:
cd /c/Users/<username>/Documents/GitHub/ardupilot/ArduCopter
make px4-clean “clean” the PX4Firmware and PX4NuttX directories so the next build will completely rebuild them
make px4-v2 Build the Pixhawk2/Pixhawk firmware (identical) for a quad
make px4-v2-upload Build and upload the Pixhawk firmware for a quad (i.e. no need to do step #7 below)
Upload the firmware using the Mission Planner’s Initial Setup | Install Firmware screen’sLoad custom firmware link
1、第3步中“复制ardupilot的仓库到你的电脑”后,在文件夹ardupilot/modules中出现下面3个文件夹(这3个文件夹事实上是可以删除的),其中PX4Firmware文件夹中应该有.git文件夹,而另外两个文件夹是空的,这个时候不要再去网上的ardupilot对应的git去clone了,直接执行第5,第6步,先用make clean删除以上3个文件夹中的东西,再make px4-v2进行编译,但是这次编译只是生成了这3个文件夹,而没有建立仓库,所以一定要在px4_console进入每个文件夹执行git init命令,否则会出现fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git错误,如果还有类似的错误,请在错误提示的文件夹中执行git init命令
2、编译过程也可能出现,生成了ArduCopter.px4文件但是出现下列错误,failed to get px4 hash,如上所说,只要出现了ArduCopter.px4文件就是编译成功了,failed to get px4 hash只是没有校验而已,所以可以执行第7步进行程序烧录,可以参见http://ardupilot.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13002&p=35322