336tharticle 第336期原创双语推文
On March 25, local time, French newspaper Le Figaro carried an article titled on "Zhengzhou ambitionne de devenir le centre logistique de Chine" (in English: Zhengzhou– a thriving commercial city of China) on the full 9thpage. It introduced Zhengzhou as an important node city along the Belt and Road, and her story of keeping a broadened horizon, international standard and unique features to establish four "silk roads" in the air, on land, by sea and on the internet.
当地时间3月25日,法国《费加罗报》第九版刊发了题为《Zhengzhou ambitionne de devenir le centrelogistique de Chine》(中译:中国郑州:“国际商都”乘势启航)的报道,讲述了郑州作为“一带一路”的重要节点城市,用“世界眼光、国际标准、郑州特色”,着力打造陆、空、海、网“四条丝路”的河南生动实践和出彩故事。
Le Figarois the largest paper in France, for its circulation and influence.
On March 23, ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to France, Le Figaropublished his article titled "Move Together Toward Common Development". On March 25, the Paper made a report of China's state visit to France. It was on the same day that on the full 9thpage,Le Figarogave an introduction of the remarkable advancement of Zhengzhou – a city in the Central Plains.
The matching news about Le Figaroand "rising commercial Zhengzhou" made a hit among all walks of life, especially to French friends in Zhengzhou, who expressed their sincere congratulations and happiness.
Thierry Houngues, French who has been living and working in Zhengzhou for many years, said, Le Figarois authoritative and influential. It has a large number of readers, including himself, who got the information to work abroad from the paper. When he saw thatLe Figaromade a special report of Zhengzhou, he felt excited and said: "It’s so wonderful to see the great development of Zhengzhou. Her openness will offer good opportunities for people from across the world."
在郑州工作生活多年的法国人Thierry Houngues说,《费加罗报》在法国是很权威很有影响力的报刊,很多人都在看。而他出国工作正是从这个报纸上看到的信息。当他看到报道后,高兴地说:“看到郑州发展得这么好,自己很开心。郑州越开放,对全球各国的朋友都是很好的机会。”
Thierry Houngues
Samy is Tunisian but she was resident in and graduated from France. Her husband and kids are French. She said, "I feel a big emotion to see my city Zhengzhou in the most important French newspaper. Impressive and I’m proud to be a part of teaching team here to create an environment of interactive culture."
In recent years, Zhengzhou, targeting at the "world arena", took a proactive participation in the Belt and Road Initiative and explored a high-quality development path for inland cities. The ancient capital carrying the core heritage and innovation mission of Chinese civilization is showing awaking power. As Shaolin Kung fu serves as a cultural symbol for China's communication with others, Zhengzhou's "Silk Road in the Air" also becomes a bridge to tighten the relation between China and Luxemburg. "Internationalized Zhengzhou" gets more "show time" on the international stage.
Owing to its significant role in supporting the rise of central China and serving the whole country, Zhengzhou has won a seat among the national central cities.
To let more people know Zhengzhou's stories and sound, Zhengzhou takes active measures to shape a positive and good external public opinion environment. Zhengzhou City Video hit the screen in flourishing districts and large squares in famous international cities, such as the Times Square in America, London in the UK in Europe, Sydney in Australia, Tokyo in Asian Japan and Johannesburg in South Africa. The video fully displayed "the commercial city located in the center of China" to the whole world, making Zhengzhou a focus of praise. Within the border, a soft slogan saying "Zhengzhou, a place that everyone says 'zhong' (great)", which filled with humanistic feelings, was posted on different media and platforms like CCTV, Phoenix Satellite TV and toutiao.com, and received extensive satisfying feedbacks.
In the future, "internationalized Zhengzhou" will share more excellent stories to form the favorable public opinion environment and contribute more for the bright future of the Central Plains.
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